Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've Been Hearing a Voice

Several nights ago, I was alone in my apartment while preparing for bed. After I turned off the lights and television, I heard a faint crackling sound. I did not know what it was or where it came from, but I figured it must be my neighbors above because they are always making noise.

I went to bed, but the crackling kept on. I could hear it through the dark, as if it were whispering to me. Gradually, after several minutes of trying to ignore it, it grew louder and faster. Since I could not sleep because of this incessant crackling, I decided to get up and look around to see what could be causing the noise.

Eventually, I realized that it was coming from outside. I opened the door to my porch and saw that my rocker was rocking back and forth rapidly. I thought this was curious since there was no wind that night. I did not give it any more attention and went to bed.

The next night the same thing happened. I again heard the crackling sound and found my rocker steadily rocking back and forth without even the slightest bit of wind. This time, however, when I drew closer to the rocker for a better look, I felt a sudden sense of sorrow envelop me. Scared, I ran inside.

In the morning, I called the Tuscaloosa Paranormal Research Group, thinking they would know best what could be happening. That night they came to investigate. On cue, just when I would normally go to bed, we heard the same crackling sound I had experienced the previous two nights. Armed with cameras, heat sensing detectors, sound recorders, and other devices, the three of us stepped outside, the rocker swaying faster than ever before.

While setting up their equipment, they told me they'll record all the goingson and then afterwards go back to analyze it. Sometimes, they said, their recorders pick up something that they did not see or hear. After everything was ready, we began. We mostly kept silent as the rocker continued its back and forth on my wooden porch, making a quiet crackling when its pace slowed and a louder crackling when it sped up. Now and again, the paranormal investigators would ask questions like, “If someone is here with us, would you please tell us who you are?” or “Would you tell us why you are moving this rocker?” or “Whoever is out there, are you trying to tell us something?”

After about an hour, we had gotten nothing, but the rocker kept swaying. I was tired, and so I told the paranormal investigators that I was going to bed because I had a meeting with an instructor the next day that I really did not want to go to. Then, immediately there was a raspy voice that said, “Not even you can hide. You see, you're just like me. I hope you're satisfied." Stunned, we froze where we were. I panicked. The voice had not come from the rocker or the sound recorder, but from somewhere in the chilly night air! The investigators asked more questions, but were met with silence.

Before they left, they told me they would analyze the tapes and get back to me in about a week. The next day, all I could think about was what the message I had heard could mean. I had planned on rescheduling the meeting because we recently turned in a major essay in the class, and I figured he was going to tell me how poorly I did. But then I thought that maybe the raspy voice was telling me not to, because if I hid from the meeting I would regret it. It turned out that the instructor really liked my essay and wanted me to publish it in a particular journal, for which the deadline for submission was soon. I was relieved.

That night, there was the same crackling and back and forth swaying of the rocker. I went outside but heard nothing. Finally, I said, “I wish I knew if what I heard last night was real.” Suddenly, I heard the raspy voice. It told me, “I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin'. I'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest, where the people are a many and their hands are all empty.”

That was last night. Today I have been mulling over just what this latest message could mean. It seems clear to me now that the first message I heard was a warning or suggestion. It would have been a mistake to have not gone to see my instructor. It is obvious the raspy voice was trying to tell me something important there. But what could this new message mean? Nothing happened today that gives me any clue. However, just before I began typing this account of what has been happening to me the last several nights, I Googled the two messages I have received. Both are lines from Bob Dylan songs. The first comes from “Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again,” and the second comes from “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.”

Could it be that Bob Dylan is somehow communicating with me? Is he giving me some sort of guidance about my life? Or a warning maybe? I do not know. I can only wait and see how this second message plays out, if at all. Maybe tonight, before I go to bed, I will go outside and hear his voice again, and I will ask him what this all means. If I find an answer, I’ll let you know.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lovely Sunday

We've enjoyed this October. The cool evenings, the cool mornings, and Indian Summer during the day make October one of our favorite months of the year.

We've had our stairs redone in hardwood. They look great! We are certainly glad we had this done. Eventually we hope to have carpet replaced with tile in the living area.

It's hard to believe another year is coming to an end. The Hudsons are so lucky. We only have blessings and things to be thankful for.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today is October 11, 2008, Fred Hudson's 59th birthday. Yesterday he reminisced all afternoon about different parts of his life until I thought I was going to scream!! I've heard it ALL before - many, many times before!! Today, though, has been fine. I think that's because today is college football Saturday so he has more on his mind - like watching football games all day.....and especially seeing how Auburn does since the offensive coordinator was fired last Wednesday - in the middle of the season. There are just some things that are more important than a birthday!!

The reason for this blog is a poem that a friend composed & sent to Fred for his birthday. It is GREAT (!!), so I thought to myself, I've got to get this on the family blog!! Here goes (as the author says, "it's in the style of Dr. Suess, sort of):

A Poem in Honor of Fred

Fred is old. Poor old Fred.
We're just glad that he's not dead.
He has some teeth. He has some hair.
He still fits in his underwear.
Happy Birthday, dear old Fred.
Hurry and get into bed.
That's what all the old folks do.
And, the old folks now is YOU.

Author: Dinah D.

I hope your birthday is a great one (meaning: I hope Auburn wins!!!!!!!).

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fred Hudson at 59: A Curmudgeon*

It’s an open question as to whether men or women get grumpier as they get older. Some studies suggest men get grumpier; some studies suggest women get grumpier. The last thing I read was from the internet (Where else? Since it was on the internet, I know it was true. You’ll just have to trust me on this) in 2002. The study said men get grumpier than women because their testosterone level drops as men get older, duly affecting their brains and therefore their behavior. Men start to suffer from “irritable male syndrome.”

Shortly after reading this, I had a conversation like this with my wife.

“You’re getting grumpier by the day.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are!”

“No, I’m not. My testosterone level is a bit low today, that’s all. It’s scientific. Now BUZZ OFF!”

Needless to say, that ended our talking for a while.

SO I’m getting grumpier as I get older. Isn’t this one of the privileges of aging?

Little things have started to bother me that didn’t use to bother me.

Little things that people say irritate me. Like “Have a good one.” That grates on my nerves for some reason. Also: “Have a blessed day.” Why that one? I don’t know; I just don’t like it.

I get ballistic when I see people parking in a no parking area just they can run inside a store and not have to walk so far. I see one of these cars in front a store where someone thinks they’re just running in for a second and I want to ram the car at 90 MPH.

I tried to call my local Wachovia Bank (the local number) to check on my money. Wells Fargo and Citibank are circling Wachovia like vultures circling a dead carcass.

I asked for Gwen, the teller I’m used to seeing.

Instead I’m talking to someone in Bombay, who, of course, has no idea who Gwen is.

Can’t I please reach the local bank directly and talk to Gwen?

Miss Bombay says, in effect, no, and then she has the gall to ask me if there is anything else she can do for me.

“Yes,” I scream as I slam the phone down. “You can learn to talk ENGLISH!”

So I’m getting grumpier as I get older. I say I’m privileged to do so.

*For those of you who haven’t been to college, a curmudgeon is a grumpy, irascible, complaining person, usually over 50.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

When Will the Market Hit Bottom?

It's amazing how everyone is talking about the stock market. Many of us are in the same sinking boat together. The question is: when will the market hit bottom? As best I can tell, no one knows.