Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Like Fall

It's been like Fall weather in Alabama this week---a welcome treat before the inevitable coming hot weather.

I was in Auburn Monday. There was a big crowd at the Auburn Hotel. It turns out that Taylor Swift was there giving an impromptu concert. Just to show you how out of it I am, I had never heard of Taylor Swift!

Tonight the Auburn Prowl will be in Pelham. I plan to be there.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nice Day

Yesterday was marvelous and today is just as nice in Alabama after the horrific storms of Friday and Saturday. We had rain in Shelby County, but no damage.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pleasant Spring Day

It was Pelham Pickup Day so we got rid of some stuff.
The A-Day game score was 21 to 17. There was nothing exciting that I could see.
It's quiet in the old neighborhood.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sudafed and Zyrtec

Today I bought Zyrtec and Sudafed. I bought two medicines because I have been assaulted by watery eyes, sneezing, and an inflamed face. I figured I needed to fight with cannons at full force.

Yes, April

Yes, that cruel month of April is here. The pollen is coming, watery eyes just around the corner. The 15th is upon us. Baseball has started. Small consolation!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Eliot Said

April is the cruellest month. Consider yourself warned. (And watch for the lilacs.)