Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today is October 11, 2008, Fred Hudson's 59th birthday. Yesterday he reminisced all afternoon about different parts of his life until I thought I was going to scream!! I've heard it ALL before - many, many times before!! Today, though, has been fine. I think that's because today is college football Saturday so he has more on his mind - like watching football games all day.....and especially seeing how Auburn does since the offensive coordinator was fired last Wednesday - in the middle of the season. There are just some things that are more important than a birthday!!

The reason for this blog is a poem that a friend composed & sent to Fred for his birthday. It is GREAT (!!), so I thought to myself, I've got to get this on the family blog!! Here goes (as the author says, "it's in the style of Dr. Suess, sort of):

A Poem in Honor of Fred

Fred is old. Poor old Fred.
We're just glad that he's not dead.
He has some teeth. He has some hair.
He still fits in his underwear.
Happy Birthday, dear old Fred.
Hurry and get into bed.
That's what all the old folks do.
And, the old folks now is YOU.

Author: Dinah D.

I hope your birthday is a great one (meaning: I hope Auburn wins!!!!!!!).


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