rocking him to sleep...Eric was a colicky (sp?) baby, so just about every night was a battle to get him to sleep. I came up with a solution, though (I used to be really creative in my younger days!). I would send Nancy to take a nice, relaxing bath, and I would stand in the middle of the living room and spin around as fast as I could!! Eric would fight to keep his eyes open, but the gravity force would always win!! He would finally shut his eyes and go to sleep...a simple solution...(I hope that's NOT the reason he's such a wild & crazy dude today).
Fred remarked this morning how cheerful I was - I'm NOT a morning person. I told him it was because after everyone ** was up, I snuggled under the quilt & went back to sleep for 20 minutes; it's amazing what a few minutes sleep can do! I'm a night person. I will be up most of the night or doze off-and-on for short periods. I've been that way all my life; I just don't require much sleep. Fred, on the other hand, seems to require what I consider WAY TOO MUCH sleep!
He will sit in his chair every night and read - and "rest" his eyes. Some nights his "eyes" are really tired & he will have to "rest" them on the sofa!! It's hard to have a conversation with him when he's reading/"resting" his eyes!!!! I guess it helps, though, because he wakes up cheery in the morning. This is one reason I'm always saying it's surprising Fred & I are together - he's a morning person & I'm a late nighter!!
**Everyone means Fred & the 2 cats. We are one of those "people" who allow their pet(s) to sleep with them...unfortunately, it's just not the cats - it's also their beds & quilt. You should see our bed - piled high with quilts! The cats in bed are one reason for NOT getting a restful night's sleep - it's hard to do when you're holding on to the bed's edge trying not to fall off!!! We are just too soft (hearted) to make them sleep somewhere else; besides, it's only during the cold winter months!!
That's it for this rambling installment.