Thursday, October 26, 2006


October 26 - Today is my nephew Eric's 35th birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC!!!! I remember when he was born - how excited I was to be an aunt! I also lived with my brother Marty & his wife Nancy for 4 months when Eric was around 6 months old. My first experience with "baby" things - feedings, bottles, changing diapers (I only did a few, thank goodness!) and
rocking him to sleep...Eric was a colicky (sp?) baby, so just about every night was a battle to get him to sleep. I came up with a solution, though (I used to be really creative in my younger days!). I would send Nancy to take a nice, relaxing bath, and I would stand in the middle of the living room and spin around as fast as I could!! Eric would fight to keep his eyes open, but the gravity force would always win!! He would finally shut his eyes and go to sleep...a simple solution...(I hope that's NOT the reason he's such a wild & crazy dude today).
Fred remarked this morning how cheerful I was - I'm NOT a morning person. I told him it was because after everyone ** was up, I snuggled under the quilt & went back to sleep for 20 minutes; it's amazing what a few minutes sleep can do! I'm a night person. I will be up most of the night or doze off-and-on for short periods. I've been that way all my life; I just don't require much sleep. Fred, on the other hand, seems to require what I consider WAY TOO MUCH sleep!
He will sit in his chair every night and read - and "rest" his eyes. Some nights his "eyes" are really tired & he will have to "rest" them on the sofa!! It's hard to have a conversation with him when he's reading/"resting" his eyes!!!! I guess it helps, though, because he wakes up cheery in the morning. This is one reason I'm always saying it's surprising Fred & I are together - he's a morning person & I'm a late nighter!!
**Everyone means Fred & the 2 cats. We are one of those "people" who allow their pet(s) to sleep with them...unfortunately, it's just not the cats - it's also their beds & quilt. You should see our bed - piled high with quilts! The cats in bed are one reason for NOT getting a restful night's sleep - it's hard to do when you're holding on to the bed's edge trying not to fall off!!! We are just too soft (hearted) to make them sleep somewhere else; besides, it's only during the cold winter months!!
That's it for this rambling installment.

Family News (7)

We hear from our cousins Charlie and Eloise Alexander in Mobile that their granddaughter Melissa is still recovering from a car accident. She continues to have pain from a muscle problem caused by the accident.

Our cousin Faye in Mobile is having problems with her legs. She has blockage and stints have been inserted.

As is this were not enough, Charlie and Eloise's daughter Linda, mother of Melissa, has blood pressure problems and is seeing a heart specialist.

We ask for your prayers and thoughts for the Alexanders.

Charlies notes: As Alabama native Tallulah Bankhead says, "Growing old is not for the faint of heart."

But Charlie concludes by saying, "I still work. I enjoy my family, and everyday is a blessing."


Monday, October 23, 2006


October 23 - Yesterday would have been my mother-in-law's 94th birthday. She passed in December of '96, so it's been almost 10 years; it's so hard to believe that much time has gone by. Time really does go by faster & faster as one gets older.
I worry about my parents more & more as each year passes. My mother turned 82 in May and my father turned 88 in April. They still get around and "do for themselves," but they are beginning to slow down some. Fred always says that my father's mind is sharper than his...and he wishes his mind would be as sharp if/when he reaches that age, but doubts that it will!! Aging just isn't one of the most fun things about getting older...!!!
October is almost over - yippee!!!! As I said earlier, it's not one of my favorite months. Only two more birthdays to go - my nephew Eric (who will be 35) and a girlfriend I've known since I was 4 - Josie, whose birthday is on Halloween...
Even though I don't care for October, the month has been great weather-wise. It's been cool, CRISP, and sunny. I wish it would be this way all year... Unfortunately, humidity dwells here in the South, and I don't believe it's going anywhere. I know "All things are possible with God," but I just don't have enough faith to believe He is going to change/take away the humidity just for me...!
I guess I'd better end this rambling here, and save some for later. Fred is thrilled that I want to contribute to the family blog, but I just had some free time with nothing to do! Two Fairfield police were shot this morning & one died. The other is still in surgery. All local TV stations have been doing continuous coverage, so I'm missing my ABC soaps... I know most people boo-hoo soaps, but I've watched them since about 1970, so I have to stand-up and just say it..."I'm addicted to the ABC soaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I arranged my college schedule so I could watch my soaps and when I worked for Wadsworth, we had a TV in the storage room so we could all watch our soaps - how great a job was that?! I'm sorry for the police, but when the coverage keeps saying the same thing over & over & over - about 50 times, just switching words here & there, for almost 3 hours now, it's time to resume regular programming.
Catch ya'll later!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Commentary (3)

Rain swept through Alabama yesterday. It was a hard, driving rain, the kind we seldom have in Alabama in October. This is supposed to be one of the driest months of the year, but not this year after yesterday.

Today it's bright and sunny and warm. We are slowly drying out.

Freddy turns 25 today. To be 25 again! Actually, I don't think I would change anything about my life after 25 if I were starting over. I've been lucky. My life has turned out well.

So Freddy is 25, teaching high school English at South Pauldling High in Paulding County, Georgia. He lives in Dallas. Yes, there is a Dallas, Georgia. We're talking West of Atlanta maybe 20 miles North of I-20. Paulding County is one of the fastest growing counties in the country. The school systems seems like a good one. The work is no doubt challenging; teaching 9th graders would try anyone's soul I'm sure. But he's doing well, and we are so proud of him!

Hope everyone out there is doing well. Soon October will be over and the holiday season will be upon us. Let's enjoy the rest of October before the craziness of the holiday season starts!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Family News (6)

From Moyna: October 11th - Today is Fred's birthday!! He's 57 - on the downside of the 50's and pushing the BIG 60!! It seems strange to say that I have a husband that is almost 60...We were talking the other night about our ages - I just turned 55 - and remarked how we still think of ourselves as being in our 30's. Unfortunately, our bodies remind us that we are a "little" older! Fred handles his age well, though, since he passed the age of 55 - that was the hard birthday to make it through. His father passed away at 55, so it brought up memories of that. Fred, though, has made it past that age, so now he just rejoices for each day that he wakes up!! Anyway, we don't have any special plans for celebrating his birthday, just a nice dinner. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED!!!!!!!
October, in general, isn't one of my favorite months. It's one of those months that everybody & their brother has a birthday...just a couple of months before Christmas...not a good time. I don't know off the top of my head how many friends have a birthday this month (I just know it's a lot!!), but Fred & Freddy have their birthdays (Freddy's is the 18th - and it will be his BIG 25) and Fred & I will celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary on the 13th - a Friday this year...!! How we managed 26 years together, only God knows!!!!!!!!
Fred has wanted me to make a comment on the family blog, so I hope he enjoys my ramblings/thoughts about his birthday!!!

Family News (5)

Charlie Alexander is our cousin. He lives Mobile with his wife Eloise. They have a daughter named Linda whose daughter Melissa is referrenced below. Melissa is a freshman at the U of South Alabama. Charlie emails us:

Hey we enjoy your blog very much. Thought we would let you know our granddaughter Melissa is here attending USA. A few months back she was hit by a car and is having surgery in a couple of weeks to correct a muscle problem created by the accident. Surely will appreciate your prayers. Otherwise things are going well for her.
Please keep up the blog
enjoy it very much

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Family News (4)

We hear that our neice, Tiffany Herring, who lives with her parents Scott and Dawn in Colbert County, which is in the upper corner of Northwest Alabama, is doing well these days. She is a junior in high school, busy in all of the activities of young people her age.

We know that she is doing well academically as she looks toward college one day soon. Tiffany, it will be here before you know it!

We also know that she will be successful at whatever she decides to do with her life. Her parents are proud of her, and rightly so. We know she makes them proud in everything she does!

Tiffany, do know that we all think the world of you and look foward to hearing about your successes.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Woody Allen

As I write this posting, I am watching Annie Hall. I had been wanting to see this film for a while, as I consider myself a somewhat semi-Woody Allen fan.

Minutes ago, about thirty-five minutes into the movie, I realized how good this movie is. It wasn't really a realization really, but more of an epiphanic onslaught. This epiphany wasn't anything life changing or anything I'd write in my autobiography, if I ever write one, or even something I'll remember beyond the next few days. Just the satiating thrill of Allen's quirky insightfulness into us, his audience, and how that makes me laugh.

There's too much in this movie to talk about in a single post, (and the film's not yet over) but I like one of the opening lines: "'Life is full of loneliness, misery, suffering, and unhappiness - and it's all over much too quickly'." That's just what I'm talking about. It's easy to watch a Woody Allen film for pure entertainment or laughter. But, a Woody Allen film also exposes the paranoia, neurosis, and fear of us all. It takes the small things and delightfully shows them for their simplicity, their humor, and their scornful pain. It's life, the funny and the absurd, combined with the horrible and miserable, as Alvy Singer tell Annie. Nobody reminds us of this more satisfyingly than Woody Allen.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Commentary (2)

Now comes October, the month of orange, Fred's favorite month of the year.

For the Hudsons, this is a month of birthdays.

October 11 - Fred

October 18 - Freddy

October 22 - Fred's Mother

October 26 - Our nephew Eric

October 31 - Our friend Josie

It's a month of pause before the craziness of the holiday season.

It's a month for the first turning of the leaves.

Let us enjoy this month of orange.