Thursday, July 27, 2023

Brian Karem - From

 Donald Trump began a process he can no longer control, though he'll never admit it. He's given politicians, and everyone else on the planet, leeway to embrace their darkest nature. The neo-Confederate movement in defiance of the federal government is a direct result of Trump's appeal to those who have nurtured their sadistic and misanthropic fantasies many generations after the end of the Civil War.

But their success is limited, and ultimately they will fail. That's reflected in Trump's own actions. He is under two criminal indictments and faces at least two more — and one of those, in Georgia, can't be erased by a presidential pardon should Trump regain the White House. Then there's Rudy Giuliani. Like many of Trump's minions, he's facing potential indictment himself. And it doesn't make things better for Rudy that this week he had to admit in a Georgia civil case that he lied about the actions of two election workers and grossly defamed them. It's enough to make the hair dye run down his face. "If the devil was as incompetent as Giuliani, hell would be empty," Eisen explained on the podcast "Just Ask the Question."

Sunday, November 29, 2015

After Thanksgiving

We spend he day putting out Christmas decorations.  I wish I were into it more than I am.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Game

The game is over.  Auburn loses 29 to 13.  It would be OK except for my obnoxious second cousin in Pensacola.  She is disgusting.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday

It seemed more like Gray Friday as I was out to the Summit for Moyna to pick up some candles, earlier having shopped for household necessities at the 150 Wal Mart.  Not as crowded out there as I would have expected.  I watch some of Arkansas beating Missouri.  Goodbye, Coach Pinkel.  Then I enjoy seeing our basketball team beat Northwestern State 119 to 81.  The basketball team is headed in the right direction.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Good Weekend

It's been a good weekend, the October weather so wonderful: this has been the best October ever for weather. Such cool mornings and evenings, Indian summer during the day, now marvelous! Freddy's birthday is tomorrow. We wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The Hudsons are a happy group of people.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I turn 61 today but don't think too much about it. It's the even ones you think about---the 60, 65, & 70.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Southern Fall

Each autumn I get tricked into thinking that maybe, just maybe, the earth where I live will not change ever again---that it will remain October forever. The cool mornings and evenings, the bearable daytime warmth in Alabama’s Indian Summer, football season, the start of a new school year, the glory of the Southern Fall with festivals, mule days and festive eating, why shouldn’t it be this way from now on? But it doesn’t last. The seasons continue revolving and before you know it the Fall of 2010 will be just another memory just like all the rest that came before. If I could be left anywhere within the 365 days that the earth takes to circle that yellow body in the sky, it would now, in October, in the Southern South.