Friday, January 02, 2009

Popular Culture 2008: Good Riddance

As we begin a new year, I thought I should take stock of 2008 and say good riddance to those things in popular culture I despised. Here are my truthful, sometimes sarcastic, thoughts on those things that defined us in pop culture in 2008:

1) Jen Aniston - Who cares? (I always thought Courtney Cox was hotter anyway.)

2) Uggs - To Southern girls who wear them: You're not in Fargo, so don't act like it's so cold they help you stay warm... because they don't. They are just a fad and you look silly.

3) The Office - Everyone tells me how funny this show is, but it has never interested me. So enough already... Stop telling me I should watch it!

4) Britney Spears - She makes good music (I don't like it though), so talk about her music... but everything else should be ignored. It is not important. We don't need to know what kind of milk she buys at the supermarket!

5) Lindsay Lohan - See Britney Spears.

Ok, enough about Britney.

6) Twilight - I had never heard of this until weeks before the movie debuted. It will be followed by yet another Harry Potter movie later this year. Such cotton candy fiction as these series disgusts me... Why can't people read more serious literature? (Thank you J.K. for finally writing the last Potter book. Hopefully, please, within the next decade we can rid ourselves of those characters and move on.)

7) Sarah Palin - I think SNL did a good enough job showing us what a joke she is, so I don't need to comment further. Except to say I hope someone got her a newspaper subscription for Christmas.

8) Oprah - Who cares? There is talk she may leave her show soon. Let's hope so. I've never watched her show nor ever paid any attention to her... yet I'm sick of her. Oprah this, Oprah that. Please. I cannot think of a more banal conversational topic than Oprah.

9) Pictures of celebrity babies - Has everyone forgotten they are just babies? They don't look any different than any other babies. Yet people clamor to see pictures of them and "journalists" (ahem... cough) pay millions for the first snapshots. What a racket!

10) Bristol Palin and Jamie Lynn Spears - There ought to be outrage over teenagers becoming pregnant, not outright praise and gah gah hoopla as with these lowlifes. What a sad commentary that people don't care enough to be bothered about the state of parenting and youth culture.

11) Talk of bailouts and a return to the Depression era - Not only has such discussion become tiresome, but I simply don't want to think about another Depression. I just couldn't handle having to get my grub from breadlines... I'm on a low carb diet!


Blogger Fred Hudson said...

Sheesh, indeed!

12:11 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Quite funny!

But lay off the fluffy lit -- that's my bread and butter (storytime & smaltzy steamy romances for my patrons).

Don't forget to wear your short shorts and pearls along with the UGLY Ugg boots!

5:32 PM  

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