Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cold Saturday Morning (November 15)

It’s cold and wet and raw and all of that yucky stuff in Shelby County, Alabama. The rain and wind came through last night and wreaked havoc on Friday night football. We are seeing the after affects today.

It seems that all of The South is covered with wet leaves. The leaves that aren’t stuck to the earth swirl and twist over the roads and the yards as if symbolizing that the traditional South, the wet leaves that hug the earth, are everywhere, but that change, the swirling leaves are everywhere also. Stasis and change: The South in late 2008.

A young lassie named T J takes my carry-out order at IHOP. She can barely talk.

What’s the matter? I ask her.

I don’t feel well.

Why don’t you go home?

They (IHOP) won’t let me. Besides, I need the money. I’m working 2 jobs. My baby’s home sick, too.

Bless your heart. (That’s all I can think to say, that and a nice tip). These last few days our household has been concerned about a sick cat. I am reminded to keep things in perspective---my petty problems are petty indeed compared to the struggle and suffering in our very midst.


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