Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In California

I flew to California last Friday---Birmingham to San Francisco, arriving around 10:30 a.m. I was glad to see that I could take BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to downtown S.F. You couldn't see much from BART, but I did get a close-up view of the ticky-tacky houses of South San Francisco.
I go to the Marriott to check my big bag. The plan is to spend the weekend in Modesto with Moyna's parents and return to S.F. Monday for the company meeting.

I have until 5 to piddle around The City (as the locals call San Francisco). I do some major walking in the Union Square area before catching the Amtrak bus at 5 to begin my journey to Modesto.

I make to City Lights, the premier independent, historic bookstore in The City. I have a most enjoyable afternoon. It is so COOL in San Francisco---like Fall weather in Alabama. Mark Twain said that the coldest winter he ever spent was summer in San Francisco.

I take the Amtrak bus from Market St. to Emeryville, which is just across the Bay next to Oakland. From there I ride Amtrak to Modesto. It is a most pleasureable train ride for the train trails along the S.F. Bay and I see how far back East that big bay goes. Imagine a train moving along a bay and you have the picture.

In Modesto Moyna's childhood friend Josie picks me up at the train station and then I am at the in-laws, the house Moyna grew up in, for the weekend. More coming.


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