Saturday, May 02, 2009


FACEBOOK - how many of you have a page on Facebook? Fred signed up a couple of months ago and was having so much fun, he decided I should also be on it. I said NO, but he signed me up anyway. So, for about a month now, I have been on FB. It's OK, I have connected with a few classmates from high school and others I know now. It's almost quicker to send someone an email on FB and get a reply than just a regular email. People seem to check FB all the time - 24/7. I have noticed a couple of things, though, since becoming a member of this "community." Not so much on my page, but more on Fred's, are all of these "adults" that are acting like a group of preteens. Facebook has I don't know how many "sites" you can go to and play these "games" or take crazy "tests" - like which philosopher are you like, what are your top 5 restaurants (or top 5 whatevers - there is a topic for almost anything), are you a southern belle or a redneck princess?, what movies do you watch over & over again, how many bedazzles can you win, what are you a fan of, what president are you most like, what are you favorite 5 presidents, and the list of "sites" is never-ending!!! How do the people that do these "sites" come up with all of it?? You can also "send" things to people - like hugs, flowers, sweets. smiles, special words, etc. The list of what you can "send" people also doesn't end. And then there's the "become a fan" groups.....become a fan of whoever or a fan of whatever - like a place or thing. IT'S ENDLESS!!! Maybe the previous stuff doesn't interest you; you can also just create "lists." There is a place to stay organized and put everything in "lists!" What has amazed me is that the MEN seem to be "into" doing this more than the women!! It's like seeing a bunch of pre-teens. With all of these "sites," I would think it would appeal to women more than men, but the men seem to outnumber the women in going to these "sites...." I've always said men are just a bunch of boys!! So much for Facebook.....I do enjoy keeping in touch with the "friends" I have, but I don't know if all of those "sites" is something I will be doing....but then, never say never...!!

My friend Moe and her ENTIRE family plus friends, are spending the day today - as they have for the past week and a half - at one of the hospitals in Modesto. Moe's father went in a few hours ago for valve repair/replacement and bypass surgery - either a 3, 4 or 5 bypass. It's a little more serious than usual (if that's possible) because of his age - 78. He has also had a little fluid on his lungs and a couple of other health issues. We are praying he comes through this and his recovery will be without complications.

I haven't mentioned this in any blogs because it has been hard for me to accept. On March 11th, a friend from my Wadsworth days passed away - he actually committed suicide. He had just turned 59 in January. Unfortunately, he had suffered from chronic depression and just couldn't pull out of his latest depression. It's always hard to lose someone, but this way is hard to comprehend. He had so many friends and will be missed forever. We love you MARTY T. KAST.

On a lighter note, I'm ready to get away for a few days!! I told Fred we will take a long weekend in June. We have to wait until then because of his busy season - getting that last minute business!! I am hoping I will still want to get away then - I'm likely to change my mind! Fred will be ready to go; that way, he won't have me "nagging" him about the summer projects - yardwork, cleaning the garage, etc. - all of the usual stuff!!

That's about it for this blog - or at least all I can remember!

'Til later, take it easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are American Idol pages or other pages related to your favorite shows you could get into on Facebook.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Men are definitely a bunch of boys!

Yes, Freddy is right -- there is most certainly a page for American Idol -- there is a page for just about darn near everything!

It seems as when one first joins facebook they add every game and gadget there is -- then after you have been there a while you have a few favorites and ignore the rest.

Happy wandering on facebook..

5:52 PM  
Anonymous MOYNA H. said...

I'm not ready yet to "dive in" to all the available sites. I'm still trying to master what's on the main page. Freddy just taught me tonight how to "chat live" when 2 people are online at the same time!! I think it's more fun than talking on the phone!!

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can do it more often. Did you chat with Nancy too?

8:11 AM  

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