Sunday, May 24, 2009

May She Will Stay

May is one of the slow months of the year for me. The other slow month is January. It's OK for May to be slow because once June comes the summer starts speeding by in a hurry.

It's early and the rain is pounding in Pelham as I type these words. No one can complain that we haven't had enough rain in Shelby County.

I spent yesterday in Winfield, my hometown. It was exhilirating meeting up with an old, old friend. Lynn Raburn and I grew up together in Winfield. He was a year behind me in school. We had not seen each other in about 41 years.

Thru the miracle of Facebook we became friends again. When I saw that he would be in Winfield seeing about his Mother---Grace Raburn is 91 and is in the nursing home in Guin---I said hey let's get together and so we met at Jacks in the afternoon.

How wonderful it was catching up. I will add more to this story later in the day.


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