Saturday, June 05, 2010

I Take Notice

I take notice of things that remind me of the way things used to be. There is a Greyhound bus speeding down I-65 toward Montgomery and I remember the Greyhound days when the buses ran everywhere and they even stopped in my hometown of Winfield and people would actually take a Greyhound to faraway places like Dallas and El Paso (It used to be a long way to Dallas and El Paso) and riding the bus was perfectly respectable thing to do. The last time I was on a Greyhound was between Modesto and San Francisco and the bus ran out of gas on the Bay Bridge between Oakland and San Francisco. Step out of a bus on the Bay Bridge with hundreds of cars speeding by and step on to another one as you look down, down to the water of San Francisco Bay and you’ll know what it’s like to be alive.


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