Saturday, January 16, 2010

Television Service

I will succumb to my urges to get television service.

I wanted to avoid watching television. I figured that there is very little that I really care about viewing; usually when the television is on, it is just filling space and sucking my time. So, I thought, why waste myself on watching it?

But I immediately had withdrawal. And now, I cannot take it any longer!

I feel that I have turned myself over to some massive, potent force that I simply no longer can fight. Maybe it is modernity, materialism, or connectedness that I have given in to, or something else just as alluring. My decision not to get television service, I felt, put me at the front lines of the resistance to the force. But, oh so quickly, have I retreated in shame, with nary a drop of sweat or blood to show.

What would Martin Luther King, Junior say about me? He dared to dream of a different future for a country...

What would Mohandas Gandhi say about me? He dared to defy a nation for independence...

What would the troops who bombarded Normandy say about me? They dared to risk they lives for a cause...

and I cannot simply keep myself from watching television!

Yes, T. S. Eliot, I ate the peach, and it is awfully bitter.

I do not have enough fortitude. Something noble inside me has faded.


Blogger Fred Hudson said...

There is nothing wrong with having television. You can control it rather than it control you. You don't have to turn it on. You don't have to keep it on all the time. You need it for local news and for weather warnings. There's sports of course. The key is to use it wisely.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are wise words, indeed. Haha.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

You have succumbed to the dark side!

I wonder if I would have spent the moolah to have cable had it not been included with my rent...

Believe it or not I came to Alabama without even a TV.

I like movies from the library and my mother's netflix..are wonderful things!

11:59 AM  

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